Odgovor na ovo pitanje je sasvim jednostavan i to će potvrditi svi oni koji imaju dobrovolino zdravstveno osiguranje. Ono je danas potreba i zaposlenog i poslodavca, bez ikakve dileme, jer zaposlenom olakšava i ubrzava odlazak kod lekara, dok za poslodavca privatno zdravstveno privatno osiguranje znači smanjenje odsustva izazvanog zdravstvenim stanjima zaposlenog. Za sve zajedno znači manje stresa.
*The voluntary health insurance policy is concluded by the legal entity for its employees and their family members in accordance with the needs and available budget.
*in accordance with the insurance conditions
*in accordance with the insurance conditions
*in accordance with the insurance conditions
*the insurer's obligation does not exist in the events arising as a result of an illness that existed at the time of concluding the contract, due to the use of psychoactive substances, committing a crime, suicide attempt, engaging in risky activities or sports, etc., as stated in the Insurance Conditions in case of serious illness and surgical interventions